

What forms of payment do you accept?

We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or regular account payments all through PayPal.

How secure is this store?

This store uses PayPal for payments, and PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available).

Do I need a PayPal account to purchase from this store?

No, you are not required to have a PayPal account to purchase from this store. Although if you already have a PayPal account you may use it.

How long does it take before i get my order?

Just a few days, we send the orders everyday except Saturdays and Sundays. We ship all items from France where our HQ are. We have everything you see on the store in stock. If it's not in stock you will see that it's not available on the store. Delivery fro France typically takes 2-3 days while delivery elsewhere (all other countries) will take 7-10 days. We can track all our packages and can provide tracking numbers if needed.

Need to contact us?

If you need to contact us please use the from on our contact page here, we'll reply to all emails promptly.